It’s a good idea to show up 30 minutes before your reservation time to start orientation. Orientation is 100% necessary; no exceptions.

General Rules

Each person must complete a waiver. Legal guardians will complete a waiver on behalf of minors in their care.

  • A life jacket must be present for each person aboard one of San Angelo Boat Rental’s boats.
  • Anyone 13 years of age and younger must wear a life jacket at all times when on a boat or tube.
  • Regardless of age, every person on a tube must wear a life jacket.

San Angelo Boat Rentals has a zero-tolerance policy for fishing. If anyone is observed fishing from one of our vessels, each person in their party will be barred from utilizing our services in the future.

If anyone is observed partaking in sunflower seeds, pistachios, or any other “spitable” snack on one of our vessels, the party is subject to forfeit their deposit. 

Boats are only allowed in open waters. No river channels. No shallow waters (if you can see plants sticking out of the water, it’s way too shallow).

Captain's Rules

Captains are subjected to the general rules as well as the additional rules listed below.

Each captain MUST be in compliance with the Texas boating law.

Each captain MUST speak fluent English. It is considered a safety hazard for captains to be unable to speak English, as the employees of San Angelo Boat Rentals are only able to provide orientation in English at this time.

Off Season - We are closed for the winter

Our Off Season is when the weather gets cold enough to slow business down. It’s unprofitable and, in some cases, unsafe for us to operate during this time. Not to worry- we will be back with the warmer weather!

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